The latest news from Tioman. Tam, Tim Hot Tea , Nicolas Archibald Gay and Shaiful Amin have opened some new lines.
The Dragon’s Horns on Tioman Island, Malaysia, Part11: new routes, FAs and last news

The latest news from Tioman. Tam, Tim Hot Tea , Nicolas Archibald Gay and Shaiful Amin have opened some new lines.
Tioman has its own memory. Please share with us your journey and your adventures. Here is a collection of some trip reports.
“Polish Princess” (7b, 270m) was established in April 2011 by Eliza Kubarska and David Kaszlikowski from Poland. We came back in July 2015 to repeat the route and re bolt the anchors with Ti Bolts.
Bolting status on Tioman as of July 2015. Anchors on Damai Sentosa and Polish Princess (up to pitch 5) have been replaced with Titanium bolts.
In April 2015, an Iranian team led by Mahmoud Ghavidel made the First Ascent of a new route in Tioman. “The name of God” is a 485m 5.13 / 5.10 – A2 (???) climb and a new addition on the South Pillar of the Dragon’s Horn
Damai Sentosa was was established in April 2013 by Stephanie Bodet, Yong Liu, Arnaud Petit, David Kashlikowski and Tam Khairudin Haja. We were back on the beautiful island of Tioman and repeated the route on the 13th of July 2014
During the course of our expedition, we made a lot of researches on Tioman and the Dragon’s horns. We thought it would be useful for future parties to share our links and resources.
Waking dream on Bukit Nenek Semekut, Pulau Tioman, has at least four generations of bolts. One of our expedition aims was to make the route safe not only for ourselves, but also of future ascentionists.
Waking Dream has been a long journey and it was a worth reward to top out on Malaysia Day. We climbed the route spread over 3 weekends with the objective to re-bolt the line, re-stating it as good as possible to the condition it was after the first ascent.
Waking Dream is the first historical route on the Dragon’s horns. Scotty Nelson and Nick Tomlin opted for the most obvious and pure line on the face. Since then, the Horns have seen international climbers opened more adventure routes.